Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Round up

Islands voting done and dusted

Voting took place today on Donegal's offshore islands, but does anybody else think it's strange that, in this day and age that still needs to happen.

I mean, it's not as if these islands are that far off the coast that the necessary ballot boxes etc couldn't be transported there and back on the same day as the rest of the country goes to vote.

No doubt those on the islands will be happy enough to get the whole thing over and done with, but would they really care if they had to wait another day or two and go to the polls with the rest of the country?

Unhappy campers

Those in the camp of some of Donegal's independent candidates were less than happy this week with the coverage they have received from the national media, claiming that the big parties have been given priority.

No doubt independent candidates up and down the country in various constituencies will have similar tales to tell and the reality is that the bigger parties - those with the seemingly wider support base and - will always get priority when it comes to national coverage.

That's why of course it is vital to maintain a vibrant local media around the country where independent candidates can have their voices heard.

In that respect Donegal is undoubtedly one of the best served counties in Ireland, and the election coverage to date - and no doubt over the weekend and into next week will demonstrate once again the superb local media we have here in the county.

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